Sunday 8 July 2012


Hi! I'm still plodding through the first hunger games book by Suzanne Collins as I am such a slow reader! Personally I think the book has a really strange storyline but that doesn’t stop me from liking it. I find it an easy book to read and really interesting however I think they are slightly over-rated. They are really good though and do recommend them. My other book on the go is If only they could talk by James Herriot (an autobiography) about the start of his career as a vet written in an entertaining way. My dad got me in to them and I love them because they’re relaxing and to do with animals, but whoever hasn’t read the Hunger Games should!

Friday 29 June 2012


I love reading! I like reading because it makes me feel relaxed and you can get in to the story and forget what’s happening in reality. I mostly read non-fiction, mainly biographies and autobiographies but sometimes I read fiction but I hate fantasy!

I don’t have a favourite book or author and I like to read a variety but I am reading the James Herriot books at the moment and really enjoying them. I think they’re really good mostly because I come from a farm back ground so it enhances my understanding and if I didn’t have the advantage I wouldn’t enjoy them as much.  I love reading but sometimes go for weeks without reading, I often get distracted by musical instruments in my house but if I have a good book I like to be cosy in my bed or by a fire in the winter.