Friday 29 June 2012


I love reading! I like reading because it makes me feel relaxed and you can get in to the story and forget what’s happening in reality. I mostly read non-fiction, mainly biographies and autobiographies but sometimes I read fiction but I hate fantasy!

I don’t have a favourite book or author and I like to read a variety but I am reading the James Herriot books at the moment and really enjoying them. I think they’re really good mostly because I come from a farm back ground so it enhances my understanding and if I didn’t have the advantage I wouldn’t enjoy them as much.  I love reading but sometimes go for weeks without reading, I often get distracted by musical instruments in my house but if I have a good book I like to be cosy in my bed or by a fire in the winter.


  1. Sames! I totally agree with you! I get distracted too and my house is never really quiet, so it is hard to concentrate! BEDS are cosy hehehe! Visit my blog!

  2. I have beaten you!! I have finished the Hunger Games and I liked it so much I bought the next ones in the trilogy!!! Visit my blog to find out more!
